PFLAG+ Australia is driven by many passionate volunteers. Meet some of our hard working team members below.

Jane Hopkins
DirectorJane Hopkins is the president of PFLAG+ Brisbane, a Director of PFLAG+ Australia and the PFLAG+ National Spokesperson.
Jane lives in Brisbane but travels regularly to different parts of Australia for her work.
Whilst managing the Brisbane group, she continues to oversee the development of the newly established Australia network and is in the final stages of registering the organisation as a charitable entity.
Locally, she hosts regular group meetings for parents as well as attending many public events to raise awareness to increase visibility and promoting the acceptance of difference. Another important focus for Jane is collating easily accessible resources for parents, schools and the broader community which are critical when assisting members of the Queer community, especially in rural and remote areas across Australia.
Whilst she recognizes the importance of educating diverse sectors of the community on issues that affect our Rainbow community, she is passionate about advocacy which ensures equal human rights are maintained for all members of our society.
With a background in nursing and having raised a large family, Jane brings empathy and compassion to her role while enjoying great personal fulfillment from her work.

Jo Gilbert
DirectorJo is currently Co-founder and Director of PFLAG+ Australia as well as being involved in the Committee at PFLAG+ Brisbane.
Jo’s involvement in the PFLAG+ family began when she was looking for help to support a loved family member who was struggling with their gender identity. She credits reaching out to PFLAG+ with giving her the tools and contacts to assist her family. She passionately believes that PFLAG+ saves lives, and is committed to being a positive ally to the LGBTQIA+ community as well as supporting and building a strong and sustainable network of PFLAG groups across Australia to support as many families as possible.
She brings to the role over 12 years history of business growth experience. When she isn’t fulfilling one of her busy life roles, she is mum and grandmother to an ever expanding and beautiful family.